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Chemiese bedryfsnuus

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'n Metode vir die voorbereiding van 'n weekmaker vir natmengselmortels.

Tyd: 2021-09-22 Treffers: 147

Introduction to the Rongalit


Chemical Name:Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate

Chemical Formula: NaHSO2.CH2O.2H2O


Molekulêre gewig: 154.12

Spesifieke swaartekrag: 1.8

Plek van herkoms: China, (vasteland)


1Content ofNaHSO2.CH2O.2H2O98.0 %Min
2State of solubelenessWater solution clear orslightly muddy
3SulfiedNo presence of black color is allowed
4reukA slightly leek odor

This article introduces a method of preparing a plasticizer for wet-mix mortar, which is related to the technical field of wet-mix mortar admixtures. Then add material A (hydroxyethyl acrylate, mercaptopropionic acid and soft water mix) and material B (Obtained by mixingsodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate/Sodium bisulfoxylate formaldehyde /rongalite with soft water), 16h maturation reaction at 2528℃, and then add soft water to dilute the product until the theoretical solid content of 40%, that is, to obtain the plasticizer.

The plasticizer obtained by this preparation method has longer setting time, better consistency loss rate and better water retention rate when applied to wet mix mortar, which is more convenient for construction.

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