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Titaandioksied-stel van die vierde rondte van prysverhogings hierdie jaar

Tyd: 2021-05-11 Treffers: 20

Entering April, both domestic and foreign titanium dioxide companies issued price increases. As of April 7, more than 20 domestic and foreign manufacturers including CITIC Titanium, Panzhihua Haifengxin, Guangxi Shunfeng, Ningbo Xinfu, Titanium Technology, Guangxi Jinmao, China Nuclear Titanium Dinxide Shandong Dawn Titanium, and Chemours t has been announced that the price of titanjum dioxide has increased by 1,000 to 1,500 vuan (ton price. the same below), of which Chemours has increased by 200 US dollars.
This is the fourth round of price increases in the titanijum dioxide market this vear, and it has also been adjusted for 10 consecutive months since July2020.

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