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شين جو ايپليڪيشن ۽ پئڪيج

گهر>لوڊ>شين جو ايپليڪيشن ۽ پئڪيج


Zinc Sulphate Mono/hepta جي ايپليڪيشن ۽ پيڪيج ڇا آهي؟

وقت: 2021-05-10 Hits: 21

The zinc sulphate mono/hepta is packaged 25kq/50kg woven bag or as customers's request
Zinc sulphate is mainly used as raw material for the production of lithophone and zinc salts. Zinc platinq,pesticides.flotatioin.fungicide and wate purification. In agriculture, it is mainly used in feed additive and trace element fertilize.etc.

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