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Mongolyaya Navxweyî Dibe ku Pîvana Pêşveçûnê ya Pîşesaziyên ku Enerjiya Bilind dixwe bi hişkî Kontrol bike
During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the lnner Mongolia Autonomous Reaion will strictly control the development scale of high-energy-consumindindustries. which may have a great impact on local chemical companies.
From 2021, coke (blue charcoal), calcium carbide, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), synthetic ammonia (urea), methanol, ethylene glycol, caustic soda, soda ash ammonium phosphate, yellow phosphorus, polysilicon without downstream conversion will no longer be approved. If new capacity projects such as monocrystalline silicon are indeed necessary to be constructed, production capacity and energy consumption reduction replacements must be implemented in the region.