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Planta d'hidròxid de sodi de la indústria global de l'alumini a la zona industrial de Khalifa

Temps: 2021-05-11 Accessos : 88


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The United Arab Emirates qlobal aluminum group (EGA) and Shaheen Chemical Investment Company (ShaheenChemlnvestments) signed long-term agreement, to be in Abu Dhabi Khalifa Industrial Zone (Kizad) construction of comprehensive chemical factory. The plant will produce sodium hydroxide to meet the needs of all sodium hydroxide for 15 vears in the AITaweelah aluminum smelter of the global aluminum industry.The plant will be built near the AlITaweelah base of the qlobal aluminum industry, covering 300 thousand square meters of space, with furthe expansion. The annual capacity of the first phase project is 130 thousand tons of sodium hydroxide and 160 thousand tons of two ethylene chloride. The two phase of the project will double the production of sodium hydroxide and begin to produce vinyl chloride and polyinyl chloride.


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