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La pols i el terròs de sulfoxilat de formaldehid sòdic (rongalita) tenen les característiques següents
sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate (rongalite)powder and lump have the following characteristics:
1. it is easy to moisture exothermic, 80 ℃ began to decompose, the release of H2S, need to dry low temperature storage.
2. When the temperature rises to 110 ℃, sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate (rongalite)powder and lump full decomposition, the decomposition of formaldehyde in the molecule released newborn [H], reducing power is weakened
3. sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate (rongalite)powder and lump is decomposed when it meets oxidizing agent, such as with Iodine.
4. sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate (rongalite)powder and lump should be in alkaline medium PH>8, acidic (acid limit PH>3) can make sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate (rongalite)powder and lump decomposition of hydrogen sulfide.