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Augment de la matèria primera de butadiè-Kitty Rongda Chemical
Soaring 200%! Another big surge in plastic chemicals!
Supply-side prices go up like crazy as limited supplies are available in the butadiene market recently!It's going up like a champ!!
On July 12, Sinopec North China Sales Company increased the price of butadiene by RMB 500/t for Zhongsha Petrochemical (Tianjin Ethylene); Sinopec Central China Sales Company increased the price of butadiene by RMB 500/t for Wuhan Petrochemical; Sinopec East China Sales Company increased the price of butadiene by RMB 500/t for Shanghai Petrochemical, Zhenhai Refinery and Yangzi Petrochemical; Sinopec South China Sales Company increased the price of butadiene by RMB 500/t.
On July 12, the 100,000 t/a butadiene oxidative dehydrogenation plant of Jiangsu Srbang Petrochemicals was running steadily with a small amount of outbound sales, and the list price was increased by RMB800/tonne.
On July 12, Yantai Wanhua Chemical's butadiene plant was running normally and the list price was increased by RMB1,000/mt today.
On July 12, ZPMC (Phase I) 200kt/a butadiene extraction plant was running steadily with contract supply, and the list price was increased by RMB700/tonne.
The supply side of the domestic butadiene market is clearly supported by the export of supplies and the delay in the commissioning of the new plant, the market is limited in terms of available supplies, short-term bullish expectations are boosting the downstream to follow up, and with the strong support of short-term supply, the short-term butadiene market is expected to continue its firm trend!