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Hoeveel sal die sinkoksied deur die omgewingsbeskerming beïnvloed word?

Tyd: 2021-05-11 Treffers: 34


Since the beainning of 2018. the environmental protection have not diminished its effort. Zinc galvanizing companies in northern China were affected. by the Fnvironmental Pronterction and Twn Sessions in March and Zinc oxide enterorises in Shandono Jiansu Hehei and other places were also affectedby environmental protection renovations Shandonn Jiannsu Hebei and other places are all concentrated production sites for zinc ovide enterpris eproducing more than half of the country's share. According to Shanghai Metals Market (SMM), the Hebei reaion gradually recovered after the. environmental protection and the two sessinns which ended in March.

According to SMM. the Hebei region oradually resumed production after the end ofthe environmental protection and the two conferences in March Yanozhou, liannsu Province has some enternrises helnw the standard and some others that is needed to netcoalto-nas renovation: Shandon is stil dominated by such enterprises And the laroe production-ualified comnanies have little immact As for the G20 Qinodan Summit to be held in Jlune SMM knows that at the end of Mav, some companies will be affected and choose to temporarily maintain the normal production status Overall about 10% of the monthly production of zinc oxide will be affected. SMM expects the zinc oxide utilization rate may decline in May.

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